The past week or so has been a helluva week for me.  Like I said, after I handed in my resignation, our school president has been thinking up ways to make me miserable.  I'll spare you the details, but suffice it to say, that for these past two weeks, I feel like I've been used and abused.  They've just given me more reason to leave this place. 

The stress must have gotten to me because the other night I had to be rushed to the hospital at 10:30 PM because of painful urination.  I was diagnosed with UTI and had to take antibiotics.  Good thing the doctors didn't require me to be admitted because I didn't want to leave my kids at home, especially since the hubby is in Manila (again) for work.

Anyway, a friend told me I have to focus on the positives and not the negatives.  What they (my immediate head and the president) are doing to me won't bring me down.  I'm made of much tougher stuff than they think.  I know the reason why they are doing this to me is because I caught them unaware and they know that no one else can sufficiently fill my place.  Come to think of it, I've been doing most – if not all – of the work in this office since I came in four years ago.  And I've never bragged about what I have accomplished.  And I don't take credit for the work that I don't do.  Can't say the same for my boss – whose main purpose in life is to spend "quality time" with his boylets.

I know I have a lot to look forward to.  Better career opportunities.  Better pay.  Better benefits for me and my kids (I could give them a good La Sallian education for free!).  I just want to be free of all these negative things.  Sabi ko nga sa HRD staff namin, "anything is better than this place!"

I am so looking forward to the big move!